Index entries

Index entry Node In text Main author In Pages
Holderness, Sir E.: quotation from 1939 UoS Main text Alexander, F. Matthias The Use of the Self (1985, Victor Gollancz) 54n
horoscope 3465 MSI main text Alexander, F. Matthias Man's Supreme Inheritance (1996, Mouritz edition) 50
Human Personality and its Survival after Bodily Death (F. W. Myers) 3895 MSI main text Alexander, F. Matthias Man's Supreme Inheritance (1996, Mouritz edition) 20 ff.
human potentialities: practically unlimited scope for, through learning Alexander's Technique 2090 UoS Preface Alexander, F. Matthias The Use of the Self (1985, Victor Gollancz) 15
human race 3464 MSI main text Alexander, F. Matthias Man's Supreme Inheritance (1996, Mouritz edition) 20, 113, 119, 121, 122, 210
Hunt Club Cup 3463 MSI main text Alexander, F. Matthias Man's Supreme Inheritance (1996, Mouritz edition) 155
Huxley, Aldous 2732 MSI Preface to New Edition [1945] Alexander, F. Matthias Man's Supreme Inheritance (1996, Mouritz edition) xvi
Huxley, Aldous: (named as pupil) 2758 MSI Preface to New Edition [1945] Alexander, F. Matthias Man's Supreme Inheritance (1996, Mouritz edition) xvii
Huxley, Mrs. Aldous: (named as pupil) 2759 MSI Preface to New Edition [1945] Alexander, F. Matthias Man's Supreme Inheritance (1996, Mouritz edition) xvii
Huxley, Thomas H. 3462 MSI main text Alexander, F. Matthias Man's Supreme Inheritance (1996, Mouritz edition) 86, 111
hypnosis, hypnotism 2535 MSI Appendix A: Text from the 1910 edition of MSI, omitted from later editions Alexander, F. Matthias Man's Supreme Inheritance (1996, Mouritz edition) 213
hypnosis, hypnotism 3461 MSI main text Alexander, F. Matthias Man's Supreme Inheritance (1996, Mouritz edition) 24, 26, 32, 135, 143
hypnotist 3460 MSI main text Alexander, F. Matthias Man's Supreme Inheritance (1996, Mouritz edition) 32
hypochondria 3459 MSI main text Alexander, F. Matthias Man's Supreme Inheritance (1996, Mouritz edition) 46, 61
ideo-motor 3458 MSI main text Alexander, F. Matthias Man's Supreme Inheritance (1996, Mouritz edition) 33, 78, 131
imitation 2547 MSI Appendix C: Text omitted from the 1946 edition but which appeared in the 1918 and 1941 editions Alexander, F. Matthias Man's Supreme Inheritance (1996, Mouritz edition) 220
imitation 3457 MSI main text Alexander, F. Matthias Man's Supreme Inheritance (1996, Mouritz edition) 25, 60, 68, 70, 73, 131, 141, 179, 180, 181, 182, 190, 196
improvement (in pupil): outward signs of 3916 MSI main text Alexander, F. Matthias Man's Supreme Inheritance (1996, Mouritz edition) 188-189
In Tune with the In?nite (R. W. Trine) 3894 MSI main text Alexander, F. Matthias Man's Supreme Inheritance (1996, Mouritz edition) 28, 32
inability to give attention to job in hand: amongst symptoms of cases referred to Alexander by doctors unable to arrive at medical diagnosis 2448 UoS Main text Alexander, F. Matthias The Use of the Self (1985, Victor Gollancz) 86
inability to sit still: listed as example of bad habits of mental or nervous type 2503 UoS Main text Alexander, F. Matthias The Use of the Self (1985, Victor Gollancz) 101-2n
inattention: listed as example of bad habits of mental or nervous type 2507 UoS Main text Alexander, F. Matthias The Use of the Self (1985, Victor Gollancz) 101-2n
indigestion 3456 MSI main text Alexander, F. Matthias Man's Supreme Inheritance (1996, Mouritz edition) 10, 13
indigestion: amongst symptoms of cases referred to Alexander by doctors unable to arrive at medical diagnosis 2452 UoS Main text Alexander, F. Matthias The Use of the Self (1985, Victor Gollancz) 86
indivisible unity of the human organism: principle of: Alexander's technique based on 2482 UoS Main text Alexander, F. Matthias The Use of the Self (1985, Victor Gollancz) 97-98
infantile paralysis: diagnosed condition amongst cases referred to Alexander by doctors 2436 UoS Main text Alexander, F. Matthias The Use of the Self (1985, Victor Gollancz) 86
inhibition 2705 MSI Preface to New Edition [1945] Alexander, F. Matthias Man's Supreme Inheritance (1996, Mouritz edition) xiii
inhibition 3449 MSI main text Alexander, F. Matthias Man's Supreme Inheritance (1996, Mouritz edition) 19, 22, 23, 34, 117, 126, 132, 136, 144, 158
inhibition of immediate reaction: must be adopted as a principle of life: in order to change 2514 UoS Main text Alexander, F. Matthias The Use of the Self (1985, Victor Gollancz) 105
inhibition of instinctive response to stimuli: difficulties involved in 1541 UoS Main text Alexander, F. Matthias The Use of the Self (1946, Chaterson, 3rd Ed.) 41-42, 53
inhibition of instinctive response to stimuli: difficulties involved in 1940 UoS Main text Alexander, F. Matthias The Use of the Self (1985, Victor Gollancz) 66-67, 79
inhibition of instinctive response to stimuli: to prevent misdirection and establish new direction 1943 UoS Main text Alexander, F. Matthias The Use of the Self (1985, Victor Gollancz) 38-39, 40-41
inhibition of instinctive response to stimuli: to prevent misdirection and establish new direction 1544 UoS Main text Alexander, F. Matthias The Use of the Self (1946, Chaterson, 3rd Ed.) 16-17, 18
inhibition of instinctive response to stimuli: to prevent misdirection and establish new direction: in golfer 1545 UoS Main text Alexander, F. Matthias The Use of the Self (1946, Chaterson, 3rd Ed.) 38
inhibition of instinctive response to stimuli: to prevent misdirection and establish new direction: in golfer 1941 UoS Main text Alexander, F. Matthias The Use of the Self (1985, Victor Gollancz) 62-63
inhibition of instinctive response to stimuli: to prevent misdirection and establish new direction: in golfer and stutterer 1944 UoS Main text Alexander, F. Matthias The Use of the Self (1985, Victor Gollancz) 83, 104-105
inhibition of instinctive response to stimuli: to prevent misdirection and establish new direction: in stutterer 1543 UoS Main text Alexander, F. Matthias The Use of the Self (1946, Chaterson, 3rd Ed.) 56, 76-77
inhibition of instinctive response to stimuli: to prevent misdirection and establish new direction: in stutterer 1942 UoS Main text Alexander, F. Matthias The Use of the Self (1985, Victor Gollancz) 68, 80, 81
inhibition: birth of 3451 MSI main text Alexander, F. Matthias Man's Supreme Inheritance (1996, Mouritz edition) 23
inhibition: defective 3455 MSI main text Alexander, F. Matthias Man's Supreme Inheritance (1996, Mouritz edition) 15
inhibition: in cat 3452 MSI main text Alexander, F. Matthias Man's Supreme Inheritance (1996, Mouritz edition) 23
inhibition: instinctive 3453 MSI main text Alexander, F. Matthias Man's Supreme Inheritance (1996, Mouritz edition) 23
inhibition: must be continued whilst employing new direction of use 2515 UoS Main text Alexander, F. Matthias The Use of the Self (1985, Victor Gollancz) 105
inhibition: of desire to stiffen neck: contrasted with "a direct order to relax the muscles" 3915 MSI main text Alexander, F. Matthias Man's Supreme Inheritance (1996, Mouritz edition) 59
inhibition: of desire to stiffen neck: should be a preliminary 3914 MSI main text Alexander, F. Matthias Man's Supreme Inheritance (1996, Mouritz edition) 59
inhibition: of natural desires 3454 MSI main text Alexander, F. Matthias Man's Supreme Inheritance (1996, Mouritz edition) 23
inhibition: of preconceived ideas 3450 MSI main text Alexander, F. Matthias Man's Supreme Inheritance (1996, Mouritz edition) 124
inhibition: was primary step in freeing FMA from habit 2131 UoS Preface to the New Edition Alexander, F. Matthias The Use of the Self (1985, Victor Gollancz) 18
insomnia 3448 MSI main text Alexander, F. Matthias Man's Supreme Inheritance (1996, Mouritz edition) 10
instinct 3437 MSI main text Alexander, F. Matthias Man's Supreme Inheritance (1996, Mouritz edition) 22, 23, 42, 67, 95, 114, 116, 117, 122, 123, 126, 127, 131, 134, 140, 149, 150, 152, 173, 182, 191