Index entries

Index entry Node In text Main author In Pages
Alexander's Technique, learning of: involves contact with hitherto unknown experiences 2121 UoS Preface to the New Edition Alexander, F. Matthias The Use of the Self (1985, Victor Gollancz) 17
Alexander's Technique, learning of: involves working to new principle 2120 UoS Preface to the New Edition Alexander, F. Matthias The Use of the Self (1985, Victor Gollancz) 17
Alexander's Technique, scientific status of: demonstrated through personal experience 1812 UoS Introduction Dewey, John The Use of the Self (1946, Chaterson, 3rd Ed.) xix
Alexander's technique: "of inestimable value for all educational work" 2376 UoS Main text Alexander, F. Matthias The Use of the Self (1985, Victor Gollancz) 51
Alexander's technique: as a possible basis of educational plan 1619 UoS Main text Alexander, F. Matthias The Use of the Self (1946, Chaterson, 3rd Ed.) 80
Alexander's technique: as a possible basis of educational plan 1838 UoS Main text Alexander, F. Matthias The Use of the Self (1985, Victor Gollancz) 109
Alexander's technique: contrary to procedure 'in which man's instinctive processes have been drilled continuously all through his evolutionary experience' 2325 UoS Main text Alexander, F. Matthias The Use of the Self (1985, Victor Gollancz)
Alexander's technique: described as a technique for building up conscious and reasoned direction of use based on means whereby principle 1552 UoS Main text Alexander, F. Matthias The Use of the Self (1946, Chaterson, 3rd Ed.) 39-40
Alexander's technique: described as a technique for building up conscious and reasoned direction of use based on means whereby principle 1839 UoS Main text Alexander, F. Matthias The Use of the Self (1985, Victor Gollancz) 62-65
Alexander's technique: desirable as "integral part of a national educational plan" 2670 MSI Appendix H: Appreciation of Man's Supreme Inheritance (1918) by Dr. A. C. Barnes Barnes, Dr. Albert C. Man's Supreme Inheritance (1996, Mouritz edition) 231
Alexander's technique: examples of employment of technique 1886 UoS Main text Alexander, F. Matthias The Use of the Self (1985, Victor Gollancz) 90-91, 98-101
Alexander's technique: factual and scientific basis for emphasised 2675 MSI Appendix H: Appreciation of Man's Supreme Inheritance (1918) by Dr. A. C. Barnes Barnes, Dr. Albert C. Man's Supreme Inheritance (1996, Mouritz edition) 232
Alexander's Technique: gives educator standard of psycho-physical health 1831 UoS Introduction Dewey, John The Use of the Self (1946, Chaterson, 3rd Ed.) xxi
Alexander's Technique: gives educator standard of psycho-physical health: and means to achieve it 1832 UoS Introduction Dewey, John The Use of the Self (1946, Chaterson, 3rd Ed.) xxi
Alexander's Technique: gradually evolved over a period of years 2149 UoS Main text Alexander, F. Matthias The Use of the Self (1985, Victor Gollancz) 21
Alexander's Technique: initiates 'endless process of growth' 1816 UoS Introduction Dewey, John The Use of the Self (1946, Chaterson, 3rd Ed.) xix
Alexander's technique: its application to mental and nervous troubles 1618 UoS Main text Alexander, F. Matthias The Use of the Self (1946, Chaterson, 3rd Ed.) 75
Alexander's technique: its application to mental and nervous troubles 1840 UoS Main text Alexander, F. Matthias The Use of the Self (1985, Victor Gollancz) 103
Alexander's technique: leads to control of reaction 1615 UoS Main text Alexander, F. Matthias The Use of the Self (1946, Chaterson, 3rd Ed.) 26, 54n
Alexander's technique: leads to improved sensory appreciation 1616 UoS Main text Alexander, F. Matthias The Use of the Self (1946, Chaterson, 3rd Ed.) 68, 76
Alexander's technique: means results of science 'capable of use for human benefit' 1791 UoS Introduction Dewey, John The Use of the Self (1946, Chaterson, 3rd Ed.) xvii
Alexander's Technique: opens up practically unlimited scope for development of human potentialiteis 2089 UoS Preface Alexander, F. Matthias The Use of the Self (1985, Victor Gollancz) 15
Alexander's Technique: opens up undiscovered country 2088 UoS Preface Alexander, F. Matthias The Use of the Self (1985, Victor Gollancz) 15
Alexander's technique: produces "integration and harmony of mind" 2663 MSI Appendix G: Review of MSI: "Making Over the Body" by Randolph Bourne in the New Republic, 11 May 1918 Bourne, Randolph Man's Supreme Inheritance (1996, Mouritz edition) 231
Alexander's technique: provides a new criterion of self-criticism 1617 UoS Main text Alexander, F. Matthias The Use of the Self (1946, Chaterson, 3rd Ed.) 76
Alexander's technique: unwinds "psychic knots" by "getting control of the physical end-organs" 2655 MSI Appendix G: Review of MSI: "Making Over the Body" by Randolph Bourne in the New Republic, 11 May 1918 Bourne, Randolph Man's Supreme Inheritance (1996, Mouritz edition) 231
Alexander's technique: works towards "a unity and balance of the body" 2654 MSI Appendix G: Review of MSI: "Making Over the Body" by Randolph Bourne in the New Republic, 11 May 1918 Bourne, Randolph Man's Supreme Inheritance (1996, Mouritz edition) 231
Alexander's toes: contracted and bent downwards 2230 UoS Main text Alexander, F. Matthias The Use of the Self (1985, Victor Gollancz) 33
Alexander's Training Course, founding of: 'impossible to measure the good that will come of it' (support letter): (educationalists) 2195 UoS Appendix Alexander, F. Matthias The Use of the Self (1985, Victor Gollancz) 115
Alexander's Training Course, founding of: 'of the greatest public importance' (support letter): (Lynden Macassey) 2194 UoS Appendix Alexander, F. Matthias The Use of the Self (1985, Victor Gollancz) 114-115
Alexander's Training Course, founding of: 'will be a great service to humanity': (Earl of Lytton) 2193 UoS Appendix Alexander, F. Matthias The Use of the Self (1985, Victor Gollancz) 114
Alexander's Training Course, founding of: need for practical teaching experience met by small school 2197 UoS Appendix Alexander, F. Matthias The Use of the Self (1985, Victor Gollancz) 116
Alexander's Training Course: Alexander's hesitation to establish (1): because needing to publish supportive opinions 2176 UoS Appendix Alexander, F. Matthias The Use of the Self (1985, Victor Gollancz) 112
Alexander's Training Course: Alexander's hesitation to establish (2): because unsure of opportunities for practical teaching experience during training 2178 UoS Appendix Alexander, F. Matthias The Use of the Self (1985, Victor Gollancz) 112
Alexander's Training Course: Alexander's hesitation to establish (3): because unsure of availability of work on graduation 2177 UoS Appendix Alexander, F. Matthias The Use of the Self (1985, Victor Gollancz) 112
Alexander's Training Course: letters of support 2179 UoS Appendix Alexander, F. Matthias The Use of the Self (1985, Victor Gollancz) 112-116
Alexander's Training Course: students expected to be competent to help in Little School after 18 months 2171 UoS Appendix Alexander, F. Matthias The Use of the Self (1985, Victor Gollancz) 111
Alexander's Training Course: students expected to be competent to help in Little School: to give children more individual attention 2172 UoS Appendix Alexander, F. Matthias The Use of the Self (1985, Victor Gollancz) 111
Alexander's vocal problems: capable of emerging over course of single recital 2220 UoS Main text Alexander, F. Matthias The Use of the Self (1985, Victor Gollancz) 25
Alexander's vocal problems: identified as 'clergyman's sore throat' 2217 UoS Main text Alexander, F. Matthias The Use of the Self (1985, Victor Gollancz) 24
Alexander's vocal problems: medical diagnosis of 2216 UoS Main text Alexander, F. Matthias The Use of the Self (1985, Victor Gollancz) 24n
Alexander's vocal problems: operation recommended by two medical advisers 2219 UoS Main text Alexander, F. Matthias The Use of the Self (1985, Victor Gollancz) 24
Alexander's vocal problems: reduced by putting head forward 2223 UoS Main text Alexander, F. Matthias The Use of the Self (1985, Victor Gollancz) 28
Alexander's vocal problems: reduced by putting head forward: thus showed connection of use and functioning 2224 UoS Main text Alexander, F. Matthias The Use of the Self (1985, Victor Gollancz) 28
Alexander's work: described as first clinical physiology for the human being 1551 UoS Main text Alexander, F. Matthias The Use of the Self (1946, Chaterson, 3rd Ed.) 65
Alexander's work: described as first clinical physiology for the human being 1844 UoS Main text Alexander, F. Matthias The Use of the Self (1985, Victor Gollancz) 91
Alexander's work: involves 'a very advanced craft and a very subtle philosophy': (medical practitioners) 2196 UoS Appendix Alexander, F. Matthias The Use of the Self (1985, Victor Gollancz) 115-116
Alexander's work: is new field of practical experimentation on the living human being 2150 UoS Main text Alexander, F. Matthias The Use of the Self (1985, Victor Gollancz) 22
Alexander's work: philosophical nature of 2080 UoS Introduction to the Victor Gollancz edition Barlow, Wilfred The Use of the Self (1985, Victor Gollancz) 9
Alexander's work: scientific because anyone 'who has had expereince of the technique knows it': through their personal experiences 1809 UoS Introduction Dewey, John The Use of the Self (1946, Chaterson, 3rd Ed.) xix