Gravity and Human Verticality [Michael Protzel]


This essay was originally posted as a comment in the discussion of Glenna Batson's article Graviception. However, the more general subject matter of Protzel's piece has made it seem appropriate to treat this as an independent contribution. Following publication here, the original comment was replaced by a link to this page [November 2015].

On further reflection, the original comment was restored, and the Target Article now made available to Contributors only, in line with normal procedures for community review [June 2016]. Please refer to the ASO page on Peer and community review to understand the scope of community review, which is essentially a pre-publication, quality control exercise, i.e. a form of peer review. The community review will be 'private' to ASO Contributors.

Following any process of Community Review, any amended version of the piece will be published for Community Commentary, where the focus is the substance of the argument. Community Commentary submissions would be publicly visible.

The practical implication is that you'll need to log in to view the target article and the associated commentary.

  1. To contribute to the community review, send your comments to
  2. If you do want to offer feedback at this stage, please also refer to the ASO Guidelines for Community Review, which aim to provide systematic guidance on the aspects that such a review should encompass.
  3. The deadline for submission of feedback is 31st July 2016.
Target readership: 
Teachers of the Alexander Technique
Review deadline: 
Sunday, 31 July, 2016