Research methods and resources

This page lists material related to the practices of "disciplined enquiry".
Resources here could help you conduct, design or interpret research; develop writing skills; gain insight into the impact of changing technology on scholarly practices; and so on.
Title Text author Type Post datesort ascending Research topic Link type
Privacy Notice Page 6 years 2 months ago
Copyright and licensing of ASO website materials Page 6 years 12 months ago
Testing Treatments Interactive Link 7 years 2 months ago Evidence Based Medicine (EBM), health or science literacy, Quality of Evidence
Testing Treatments 2nd Edition Evans, Imogen, Thornton, Hazel, Chalmers, Iain and Glasziou, Paul Library items 7 years 2 months ago Evidence Based Medicine (EBM), health or science literacy, Quality of Evidence, replication, scholarly practices generally, science generally
Key Concepts for assessing claims about treatment effects Library items 7 years 2 months ago Evidence Based Medicine (EBM), health or science literacy, Quality of Evidence
Testing Treatments Interactive [online resource] Library items 7 years 2 months ago Evidence Based Medicine (EBM), health or science literacy, Quality of Evidence
Does Sharing of an Unpublished Thesis Create Enough Harm to Imprison Someone? Noted in passing 7 years 2 months ago
Beall's List - last published versions, January 2017 Link 7 years 3 months ago open access
Lies are fast, truth is slow - LSE blog post Noted in passing 7 years 3 months ago
Unpaywall - browser extension for legally accessing articles behind paywalls Link 7 years 3 months ago copyright, open access, publishing issues
Announcing Unpaywall: unlocking #openaccess versions of paywalled research articles as you browse Noted in passing 7 years 3 months ago
Academic writing - tips in Impact of Social Sciences blog posts Link 7 years 7 months ago scholarly practices generally, writing skills
Stats Tutor website Link 7 years 9 months ago data, statistics, information
About Search Page 7 years 9 months ago data, statistics, information
Annotations as peer review - discussion Noted in passing 7 years 10 months ago
Hypothesis - online annotation software Link 7 years 10 months ago peer review
How Can I Share It? website Link 8 years 2 months ago data, statistics, information, open access, publishing issues
Examining the quality of evidence to support the effectiveness of interventions: an analysis of systematic reviews Kane, Robert L., Butler, Mary, Ng, Weiwen Library items 8 years 2 months ago Evidence Based Medicine (EBM), Quality of Evidence
Patients’ preferences within randomised trials: systematic review and patient level meta-analysis Preference Collaborative Review Group Library items 8 years 3 months ago Randomized Controlled Trials [RCTs]
BMJ, The Library items 8 years 3 months ago
WHO IRIS - Instittutional Repository for Information Sharing Link 8 years 3 months ago approaches to research, data, statistics, information, Randomized Controlled Trials [RCTs], research ethics and standards
WHO Guidelines Library items 8 years 3 months ago approaches to research
World Health Organisation Link 8 years 3 months ago
What is? series Library items 8 years 3 months ago approaches to research, data, statistics, information, Randomized Controlled Trials [RCTs], research ethics and standards
Edge Annual Question 2016 - significant recent science and its implications Noted in passing 8 years 6 months ago
ATLAS Trial - COMPare project entry Library items 8 years 7 months ago Randomized Controlled Trials [RCTs]
Science in everyday language - space travel Noted in passing 8 years 8 months ago
What is an academic journal? Noted in passing 8 years 9 months ago
Why Hasn’t Scientific Publishing Been Disrupted Already? Noted in passing 8 years 9 months ago
HighWire’s John Sack on Online Indexing of Scholarly Publications: Part 1, What We All Have Accomplished Noted in passing 8 years 9 months ago
The Politics of Data: The rising prominence of a data-centric approach to scientific research Noted in passing 8 years 9 months ago
On Being a Scientist Committee on Being a Scientist, National Academies Library items 8 years 10 months ago scholarly practices generally, research ethics and standards
The National Academies Press Link 8 years 10 months ago scholarly practices generally
Peer review week - a celebration Noted in passing 8 years 10 months ago
ASO Style Guide Article 8 years 11 months ago writing skills
ASO Style Guide Page 8 years 11 months ago writing skills
Estimating the reproducibility of psychological science Open Science Collaboration Library items 8 years 11 months ago
STRICTA - STandards for Reporting Interventions in Controlled Trials of Acupuncture Link 8 years 11 months ago Randomized Controlled Trials [RCTs]
CONSORT - Consolidated Standards of Reporting Trials Link 8 years 11 months ago Randomized Controlled Trials [RCTs]
Beall's List - predatory open-access publishing Link 8 years 11 months ago open access, peer review, publishing issues
How to Write a Scholarly Book Review for Publication in a Peer-Reviewed Journal Lee, Alexander D., et al. Library items 9 years 1 month ago publishing issues, writing skills
Published by ASO - what it means Page 9 years 1 month ago
Community and open commentary Page 9 years 1 month ago writing skills
A Theory of Literate Action: Literate Action Volume 2 Bazerman, Charles Library items 9 years 1 month ago writing skills
A Rhetoric of Literate Action: Literate Action Volume 1 Bazerman, Charles Library items 9 years 1 month ago writing skills
Yoga Minds, Writing Bodies: Contemplative Writing Pedagogy Wenger, Christy I. Library items 9 years 1 month ago writing skills
Shaping Written Knowledge Bazerman, Charles Library items 9 years 1 month ago publishing issues, scholarly practices generally, writing skills
Feedback from the Society of Scholarly Publishing Annual Conference Noted in passing 9 years 1 month ago
Neurobabble makes nonsense brain 'science' more believable Noted in passing 9 years 2 months ago
Thumbs Down for the Freemium Model? Researchers Reject Nature’s Fast Track Peer Review Experiment Noted in passing 9 years 2 months ago