"Alexander technique for Parkinsons" Initiative


“Alexander technique for Parkinsons” Initiative


I want to make you all aware of the 4th World Parkinson Congress that will be happening in Portland OR (U.S.A.) this September 20-23.  For anyone with experience in working with people with PD or their partners, there is an international call for poster session/abstracts with new ideas for supporting people with PD. The deadline for the short (2500 character maximum) abstract submissions is April 25. (I’m posting the link to the guidelines below.)

I am coordinating a broad AT team presence at the Congress and would love to hear from you. 

(If you cannot be at the Congress, one of our team can submit your abstract, as the person who submits it needs to be attending.)


For more information about this AT at the PD Congress initiative, please contact me at:  thepoiseproject2016@gmail.com 

More info on this initiatve @ www.thepoiseproject.com

