Manner and Conditions of Use

A crucial distinction in teaching the Alexander Technique and Alexander teacher training
2003, 2015
Alexander Studies Online

Originally published by AmSAT in 2003, this article has been significantly updated by the author for publication by ASO.


Descriptions of the goals of the Alexander Technique are varied and therefore often confusing or misleading to the general public and to authorities who are beginning to examine the nature of the Technique for purposes of accreditation and research. Greater clarity and conciseness is needed in such descriptions in order for the Technique to achieve the broad recognition and acceptance that Alexander and most of the teachers he trained so hoped for. A critical distinction between Alexander’s terms “manner of use” and “conditions of use” has generally been overlooked, and teaching factions have arisen that emphasize dealing with manner of use to the exclusion of dealing with conditions of use—particularly in the United States. This article also attempts to discuss the reasons behind the emergence of these factions in the hope that greater clarity and unity of purpose can be gained as the profession attempts to move forward in significant ways with regard to the requirements necessary for becoming a fully-qualified Alexander teacher, a trainer of Alexander teachers, and for providing an accurate basis for conducting scientific research into Alexander’s various claims.